#3.1 Season opening
3 days in Saas Fee for the opening of our season
by Marc
26 November 2016
7 images
The opening of our season had a slightly bitter taste, Laurent still cannot do skiing because of his knee surgery.
However, Fabrice and Marc took charge of the first turns in Sass-Fee resort. Two days turned into three as the conditions were nice.
New shooting equipment, the bag is too heavy! The thighs suffered! And not only… To recover the sensations took a little more time, but that it is good to drop the knees!
We’re already looking forward to the next ... Will you be one of us?
It was a long time since the snow conditions did not allow us to start our season so early. Saas Fee opened an incredible promotion this year on his season tickets, so we ended up in this resort. The village is at 1800m altitude and the top of the slopes at 3500m, enough to be sure to have good snow.
Unfortunately, a southern hot storm stopped the facilities on Friday, so the only thing to do was to have couple of drinks. Looking back, it is not sure that this was the best way to prepare our first day… haha.
Saturday, the sun is back, the bag of shooting is so heavy that Marc feels like having someone on his back. The thighs burn ... In addition to that, he rode for the first time his new Faction skis and his new Bishop bindings.
The conditions were so good that we decided to stay one more day. We feel so well in the mountains.